Monday was my last actual day in Maltby. We had a good time. Elder Powers and I went shopping, and then we emailed at the church for four hours. Then we went to say goodbye to Izzy before I left. After, we came back and played tennis with the zone. We had a good time there. Then we went back home, got changed, and went with Woods Creek to Goodwill to look around and see if we could find some cool things. Then we went and had dinner with the Wards for one last time. Then we went and said goodbye to some other people around that area, but shortly after, we had to come home because we were low on miles. So I took the rest of the night to pack and get ready for transfers the next day.
Saying goodbye to Izzy |
Last dinner with the Wards |
Garrett Davis and Elder Hammond |
We went to the senior center after I got finished packing, and we did some service there. After, we had lunch with Woods Creek and Monroe at Hot Iron for my last time. It was great. Elder Peterson paid for me. Then after, we went back home and loaded everything into the car to go to transfers, but we stopped on the way there at the Crunnuts to say goodbye to them. They told me when we come back in August to go see them. So I'll try to. After, we drove to Garrett Davis's house so he could take us to transfers. We loaded up the van and then went to transfers. We stayed there after learning we needed to wait for a long time because one of the new missionaries decided to leave on the way to the mission, so one of the trainers had to get another missionary for his comp. After President figured out what to do, we got to stay in a three pack in Lakewood. Which is nice. So we got to Arlington, had a small comp study and dinner, and then we went to meet some people in the area. We met with a family named the Sedweeks. They are a good family and ended up having the girlfriend wanting to take the discussions. The boyfriend is a less active, and they have two kids. So that will be great! We are meeting with them on Wednesday so we may have new investigators next week. After, we went and had a meeting with Bishop, and we told him about things that happened last week. Then we went around and saw some people close by home before we went to bed to end the night.
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Transfer Day! |
We had district meeting, and Elder Hunter instructed on how to teach your investigators how to listen to the spirit. That was great! I kinda learned some new things I didn't know before. After we had lunch at the Costco by our apartment with the rest of the district. It's pretty nice. Elder Hatch is in my district with me, and Sister Hoch is as well. So two people I know are in my district, and Sister Hoch and I were friends in high school. We talk about that a lot and the fun times we had together. After lunch, we went and shopped at Costco because Elder Hunter had a gift card. Then we went to Walmart to allow me and Elder Milner to shop. I got to use my gift card thanks to the package getting here at a good time. After shopping, we took time to put our food away, and then we planned out the day and had Comp study as well. Then we went and saw some people in the area close by the house. In this area, we do a lot of walking because the city area is all close by and everyone is close by. The farther you go out, the more rural it gets. So we did some walking and driving around and saw some people. We shared a scripture with a man named Timmy who is a former investigator, and he seemed really cool. He's not really going to be an investigator any time soon, but I'm not sure why. After talking with him, we went and had a ward trunk or treat. It was a great turn out and lots of people were there. After, they gave us all the hot dogs and chips, and we have a fridge now full of 70 Costco hot dogs and chips. So we're kinda loaded. Just a little. After, we went home and ended the night by going to bed.
We saw a lot of people. One person we saw is Kevin, a former investigator that we're working with. Let me tell you, the man talks a lot, like a lot. He's a born again Christian, and he really likes talking a lot. He's not a lot of do, just a lot of talk about his God. It is sad how many people think just because Christ performed the atonement it means we can all be healed and saved in the end right? Kinda true, but I don't know why guys like him see that the atonement allows us to repent, but it doesn't allow us to do whatever we want with our own free will without consequences or without repenting when we make mistakes. I mean, this ma knows the gospel very well. He knows we are the right church, or he at least says we are, but yet he smokes all the time, plays with toy models, and doesn't come to church when we tell him to. It's kinda sad how people really turn religion and belief around. After seeing him, we came home and had lunch, then had comp study, and then ran over to have a lesson with a recent convert family named the Millers. We had a good lesson, talked about Tad R. Callister's talk about the Book of Mormon from general conference, and we also watched it. Brother Miller seemed to like it. After, we ran to have dinner with the Coopers, a new family in the ward. We had a great time there and got to know them. Then we went and visited some more people before the night was through.
We started with helping at the food bank. We go to the one in Marysville every Friday, and it's great. I've only been there once, from a year ago, so I forgot how everything worked, but luckily, the workers helped me. After, we had lunch, then personal study, comp study, and then we went and visited some people. We had a lesson with a new investigator named Orion, like the star constellation Orion, he's really cool. He's 16 but looks like he's like 20 or something, and he really wants to take the discussions and get baptized. We met him at the truck or treat and found out that he lives with some members in our ward. He goes to church with them every Sunday, and I think he is the grandson of the members, but I'm not sure. We taught him the restoration, and he really liked it. He's very nice, and we have been able to gain a great relationship with him. After the lesson, we visited some more people and ended the night with weekly planning and dinner and having a lesson with a Marshelise family that we picked up a new investigator from.
We did a lot of work. We started the day with finishing weekly planning and getting that squared away. After, we had lunch and comp study. Then we went out and saw some people. We had no set lessons, but we went to the church after lunch to get our area book back because we forgot about it when we went to weekly plan. There was a guy at the church just walking around. He looked kinda drunk, so we just sat there just watching him in the car not sure what to do. Then Elder Milner said, "Elder Hunter, you won't go street contact that guy. You're too soft." So Elder Hunter looked at him and said, "Watch me," gets out of the car, and we have to follow, and he goes to talk to him. Turned out the guy wasn't drunk or high at all, and we picked him up as a new investigator, showed him around the church and stuff, but he never came Sunday, sadly. We will probably see him tonight for a pick up game we're doing. So ya, we had dinner later that night. Then we visited some people around home before we had a meeting with our ward mission leader. That ended the night.
We had ward council, then church, then we went and tried to have some lessons with our recent converts and a potential that we had met the other day, but they all fell through. So we spent most of our time trying to find someone that could come with us to the CSFY devotional that night, and we did. Orion came with us, so that was great! He said he liked it a lot, and that ended the night with accounting.
Well that's it for me. I will talk to you all next week, bye!!
Elder Hammond