Monday, March 19, 2018

Week 84 Another Busy Week in Bellingham

Hello, everyone. It’s been another great week in Bellingham, and a short one too! So, let’s get to it!

We started with going shopping. After we then emailed. Then we went and got the car washed for zone conference this week. Then we went, got changed, and got lunch at Subway to bring to Lake Whatcom Falls for lunch and games at the park. After a while, we then got the whole zone together and went to the falls. We took some pics there and had a great time. After, we had to drive straight to dinner in Sudden Valley. From there, we then went to a lesson with Shane, a YSA we are teaching, but soon passing on to the YSA sisters. We taught him the plan of salvation. After, we did some area book work at home. Then we exchanged with Bellingham Bay. 

Whatcom Falls
I was with Bellingham Bay, and we went to the food bank to start the day. After, we then had lunch at the church, did a little bit of comp study. Then we had a lesson with one of their investigators named Aston. We just discussed his reading in the Book of Mormon and helped him with things he was not understanding. After, we went and visited some people. We tried to meet as many people as possible, but with the effort we made, no one really was interested.  Later that night, I bought the elders Little Caesars with the gift card I still had from Christmas. After dinner, we then went and saw David Armstrong, a less active in the ward. He talked our ears off until the exchange back.

We had district meeting, and in that meeting Elder Brown just asked the question, "Is there anything we don't understand? Whether it be Gospel wise or missionary wise?" So, we asked some questions, just about the mission, and what make a person a new investigator. Then he turned the rest of the meeting towards why we use Preach my Gospel in our missions. After district meeting, we had lunch at the church with the district. Then we had a lesson with Hue. We just read from where she was at in the Book of Mormon. We were going to watch The Restoration with her, but she didn't have a DVD player. After that lesson, we went to the church and played some basketball with Nick Nelting, a less active that we are working with. We were going to have a lesson too, but he had to go so we couldn't get the lesson in. After, we then went home and had comp study. Later, we had a lesson with the Sibleys. We talked about church and young womens for Kayla. They didn't really seem interested in it, but they said they could try. It’s so weird when it comes to church and stuff. They just don't really seem interested, but they won’t tell us if they are or not. I don't understand. Later that night, we had dinner. Then we went to a lesson with Debra Land. We talked about learning and serving in the church. She is done with all the lessons now. We had to wear masks when we went, though, because she's getting sick pretty often, and just with her health, we can’t let that happen.

We had zone conference in the morning. For the whole meeting, we watched the video training for our smart phones. We didn't get through everything though. We didn't have time, so we'll probably get the rest of it somehow. After, we then went to a lesson with some new investigators, Shawn and Farren. They are a young couple, and they are anti-religious, but they wanted to learn some more about our church... I can’t tell you how many of these kinds of people I've come across on my mission. They just want to learn what we're like. They say they don't want to change what we believe. They just want to learn and understand us. So, we'll do that and maybe if their hearts are softened, they'll convert. I don't know. I'm kind of done with getting these people on my mission. Ken was one, and many others I can't think of right now. After our lesson, we had dinner and then went home to do personal study.

We went and did some service at the Whatcom Land Trust. We helped them out last year, with painting their building. This time we went and did some yard work for them. After, we had lunch at home. Then we got changed and went to our lesson with Chris. We talked about baptism and put him on date for the 21st of April. He said he was good with that. He's the same way as the Sibleys. It kind of just seems like he has no interest. But he started to read the Book of Mormon again, so we thought it would be good to try and commit him to it if he's wanting to try. After that lesson, we went home and did comp study. Then we started our weekly planning. With the new technology, we also have a new Preach My Gospel. I haven't got it all yet, but we have a new way of weekly planning. It’s really nice. We now focus on the needs of the investigators, instead of going and looking through the teaching records for what lessons we'll teach next and stuff like that. After we weekly planned for a little bit, we went to dinner. Then we had a lesson with Sister Drake, and that ended the night. We just talked with her and shared a scripture with her. Nothing too big.

We did some more weekly planning with the progress record. Then we had lunch at home. After, we went to a lesson with Jason Byers. We read some scriptures with him. He came to church on Sunday. After being with him, we had a lesson with the Redelks. We read 1 Nephi 8 with them. She hasn't read the Book of Mormon before, so we are helping her understand it more for her to gain a testimony of it. After, we then went and had dinner. Then we came back home and weekly planned for the rest of the night until our lesson with Joey and a meeting with Brother Jones. We taught Joey the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

St Patrick's Day Dinner--Pictures sent by member with this message..."We were so lucky
to have your son over for dinner tonight! What a great missionary he is!!" 
We had ward council in the morning. Then we had church. Nikki, one of our instigators, came to church, and she​​​​​ really liked it. Jason was there too. After church we then had a correlation meeting. Then we went and talked with Brother Drake. He and Sister Drake are going through a hard time. So much that they don't live together anymore. It’s kind of sad. Brother Drake is wanting to go into the military, and he feels the spirit is moving him to do so. We talked about revelations and how we can know if they are true. He needed some wisdom on that. After, we then went and had a lesson with Holland. We just read scriptures with him. Then we went home and did some personal study before dinner. After dinner, we went home, got picked up by Brother Jones to go get Jason Byres and Sister Caravue for the CSFY. It was in Lynnwood, so that was a drive. But we had a good time. There were great speakers, I saw tons of missionaries I know, and  I found out Orion is getting baptized on March 31st! I can't wait!! I'll be going down to Arlington that day to see him get baptized by Elder Wolfe. After the CSFY, we drove back home and ended the night.

Well that's it for this week, friends! love you all, and I'll see you soon!!

Elder Hammond

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