Monday, July 10, 2017

Week 48 Elder Emergency Transfer...Elder Steward Goes Home

Hey everyone,

There was a lot that happened this week, and I was so not ready for it, so let's get to it:

We started the day with emailing, and while we were emailing Elder Stewart got a call from President informing him that his flight tickets where ready for him so he needed to pack up and get ready to go home. So we abandoned our plans and went home so that he could pack to go home. He went home because he felt the impression that he needed to go home. I have no idea why, but he did. So we got him packed and took him to the mission office to have President take him to the airport. It was a little sad. So I went with the zone leaders for the rest of the day. We went and tried to see people in their area, but we didn't have that many people opening up to us. We also got to go feed some goats. It was pretty fun. Then we went to their apartment and went to bed.

Feeding the goats

It was p-day, and we started it by driving up to the "mission mansion." It's basically a big apartment with three companionships in it. So I went and got my new comp, Elder Hatch. He's a really fun missionary and hard worker. We packed his stuff up into the car and drove back to Maltby. We dropped off his stuff off and then went shopping. After, we came home had lunch and then went and played baseball with the rest of the zone. It was so much fun! Then we went home, got changed, and had dinner with the Nubbies. We had some good food with them. They smoked a lot of meat for us. Then after dinner, we came home and had Elder Hatch unpack. Then we went to bed.

My new companion...Elder Hatch--He's really fun!
We had district meeting. Elder Black talked about inviting people to be baptized. It was a good discussion. We made a commitment to invite someone to be baptized every day. Sadly, it didn't work out too well this week for us. After, we had lunch and comp. study Then we went and saw a lot of potentials. Not a lot happened. After, we went on a walk with Izzy, one of our recent converts. We just talked with her to catch up and Elder Hatch knew her because he was in the Monroe Ward 2 months ago when she was baptized. Then we went home and had dinner and went to bed.

We went and saw a lot of potentials in our area, like almost all over our area, but we had lunch in between and none of our potentials in one part of our area were interested anymore. We had a lesson with a small family named the Bells. We taught them the restoration and picked them up as investigators. They go to the Church of Christ, and believe in God. It's a hard situation because they have already been baptized into their church, so we might have to work on authority problems. We set up our next lesson on my birthday next week. Then we went and ran to the Allan's to grab our talks we were preparing for Sunday. Then we ran and had a lesson with Bishop. After, we came home and went to bed.

We went to the food bank and helped there. Then  we went home and had lunch, did our personal study and comp study. Then we had a lesson with John, one of our investigators. We talked about the Book of Mormon and helped him understand what was in it and what it means. Then we came home and saw someone moving into the apartments next to us, and so we asked if they needed help. They said they did, so we went and helped them. It took us 2 hours. Then we had dinner and went over to Tyi park and walked around again with Izzy at the park. Then we went to bed.

We had to save miles, so we got our bikes out and biked the whole day. We started with weekly planning and did it at Taco Bell. Then we went and printed off our progress record. After we went home, had lunch, and finished weekly planning. That took all the way until 6:00, so we went and visited someone Elder Hatch knew in Monroe. It took the rest of the night. Then we came home, had dinner, and went to bed.

We had ward council, went to church, spoke in Sacrement meeting, and talked about the talk "Good, Better, Best" by Elder Oaks. It's a good talk. I like it a lot. After church we then came home, got changed, and then went and saw the Zittings. Then we had dinner with Bishop. That took the rest of the night and so we came home, accounted, and went to bed.

Well, that's my week. I hope everyone has a good week this week. Love you all. Bye!

Elder Hammond

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