Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Week 67 Still Working Hard in Lakewood

Hello everyone. It's been another nice week here in Lakewood. Let's get to it.

We started the day with emailing. Then we went shopping for food, and I went and returned the fabric that I bought from Joann's because there was too much. So that was good. Then after we went to the mall so that Elder Hunter could buy some protein because we work out every morning except Saturday and Sunday. I've decided that I'm going to start six months 'til sexy early.... but it's more like 9 months 'til sexy.... so ya, good place to start. ;) So ya ladies, if you're reading this, I'll be available when I get home... but you'll have to wait 6 years before I can get married because I'm already convinced that's when it's going to happen. Haha! It just means a lot of patience is coming your way. ;) Haha, jk jk. I'll get married the first or the second, which means the first chance I ask someone, or the second chance I get one, haha jk jk again. Anyway, after that, we went to the 51st building and played football with half the zone. We played two hand touch. Then it started to down pour, so we went inside and played trash ball. You basically put two trash cans on each side of the court and those are the goals, and you can play with whatever ball you want to. You just have to get it in the can without the goalie blocking you. So that was fun. After, we then came together and had some cookies. Then we went home and got showered and then went to dinner. We had a ward event the ward mission program put on for our investigators to meet more members, and we only had one investigator come, but we had a lot of good members there. That ended our night.

We had a lesson with Ann. We taught about the plan of salvation. It went okay. We had a member that took somethings a little off topic, but that's okay. It kinda all related. Jake Jakins, he's a great old man. Then after we went home and Elder Hunter did progressing, and we also had lunch. After we had comp study. Then we went and saw some people before we had a lesson with Sister Schweigert. It worked out pretty well. We talked about the son of perdition and how that applies to all of us. She liked it. Then we went and had dinner, and later that night we had a lesson with the Sudweeks. It was a great lesson. For the first part, we taught the part of the plan of salvation, and the other half of the lesson was us hearing Chelsie, the mom, go on and on about how they can't be baptized until they know if these things are true, and that we can't push this on them yet because they're not ready. We were only asking if they came to know if these things are true, would they be baptized. So, that's fine. It happens. They told us to wait until they feel they are ready to set a goal. So then after, we had a meeting with Bishop to tell him how our last week went, and then we went home for the night.

we had a district meeting and elder Hunter instructed on having faith in our teaching and teaching our investigators how to have faith, but as well how that all applies for the need of a savior. After we had lunch, did planning, and comp study. Then we went and tried to see some people. We had a lesson later that day with melissa, one of our investigators, and we talked about the book of mormon, and what it is. She really enjoyed it and told us she would read it insted of watching tv during work. She works nights at the hotel so she really doesn't have much to do at night. After our lesson we had dinner and then we went and saw people for the rest of the night.

We did some service for Jack Jakins. He had a grape vine that got sick and died, so we had to go cut it down for him. That took longer then we thought. It was wraped around a pole so we did lots of cutting. After, we then had lunch with Jack. He made us some crepes, and they were pretty good. After, we went back to the house, got changed, and had comp study. Then we drove around town and saw some people before our lesson with the Millers. Our lesson with the Millers went pretty well. We shared the video the music of the gospel and talked about how that relates to going to the temple as often. It was great. After, we had dinner and then finished the night with seeing people for the rest of the day.

We went to the food bank and helped there. They had lots of people there this week. After, we had lunch and then went to a lesson with an new investigator named Jovan. He's in his twenties and was learning from the missionaries before, so we taught him the restoration and picked him up as a new investigator. After, we came home and did some weekly planning before our lesson with Orion. In our lesson, we talked about the plan of salvation. We had the Mathis's granddaughter there as well, so we're teaching her too now because that's what they wanted us to do. She's 9, and the members almost have full custody of her. So that will be great. After the lesson, we came home and weekly planned some more, had personal study, and comp study, and then we went to dinner. After we came home and Elder Hunter got packed for the exchange that night.

We exchanged with the zone leaders, and Elder Babcock came with us. We had a very weird day. In the morning, we went to go see Jan, an investigator the last missionaries had been working with for a long time. She just has been sick recently, so we went to go check up on her, and she got really mad at us. She said she felt like she was being pushed into all of this and that she didn't want to do it anymore. Which was really sad because she seemed really solid. So we walked away from that. Then we went and saw some more people around town. After we came home, had lunch, did comp study, and then went to a funeral down in Marysville for Gabriela and Orion because Gabriela's father passed away. So to support our investigators, we went and watched it all happen. After, we came home, got changed, and went to dinner with Sholon, our recent convert. After, we ran to try and have a lesson with a new investigator, but he was not home, so we walked around and street contacted for a little bit before we exchanged back. After we exchanged back, we went to Brother Allen's to meet with him, and that ended the night.

We had ward council in the morning, then church. During church we had a lesson with Orion about repentance. That went really well. He seems to understand it. After, we had our ward mission meetings, and then we went home and had lunch. Then we were supposed to have lessons with Sholon and the Paul's, but they both fell through. So we just went home and had personal study and finished weekly planning. Then we had dinner. After, we went to the Sudweeks home and gave Brother Sudweeks a blessing. After, we went home and accounted the rest of the night.

Well, that's it for me, I hope everyone had a great week, and I'll see you soon. Sorry no pics this week, but maybe next week. Love ya, bye!!

Elder Hammond

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